Monday, October 17, 2011

then and now

As part of my job as activities coordinator I permit 1.5 hrs or less of television/movie viewing each day. It depends on behavior. And I may add another 30 minutes if I need some sanity time at the end of the day. But it's usually a 1.5 hr.

Last night I began to think about The Little Mermaid. Not as in the traditional fairy tale but as in the Disney movie. I grew up with Disney. It and it's movies hold many fond memories for me. But I question if I should pass those onto my children just because I made memories with them or if we should perhaps create different childhood memories. Why? Here is the comparison of my then and now thoughts on Disney's The Little Mermaid:

Wow, Ariel is so pretty. I want seashell cups just like those. Maybe I can make some. I can't believe she doesn't get caught looking on the human's ship, but it's not like they could catch her anyway. Sebastian sure doesn't seem like he meant to give her away to her father, King Triton. I think she was kind of mean to him. "Why don't you go tell my father? You're good at that," was a bit of a [insert child's term for "low blow"]. "Betcha on land they understand. Bet they don't reprimand their daughters." HA. HA. Dream again, Ariel, they are just as bad or worse on land! Man, I'd be scared going into that witch's creepy lair. Doesn't she see all those seaweed things are trying to warn her? No! Don't make a deal with the sea witch! Well, how you gonna tell him you love him now? You don't speak! But you do love him and it's true love so that will win in the end. Sebastian and Flounder and such good friends to stick around and put themselves into danger just to protect you. I sure want friends like that. Kiss her! KISS HER! KISS HER! ohhh. He missed it. Too bad. Try again! Uh! Boys are so stupid. Doesn't he see? Oh no the sea witch is gonna marry the prince! Boys are so stupid. I can't believe Ariel's father would do that for her! Oh no! Everyone is going to die if Ursula is in charge of the ocean. Gross, Prince Eric just sliced through that witch. Come on. Now the Prince knows. Can't he love her even though she's a mermaid?! Oh, look, her daddy changed her and now she's getting married! That's so nice!

Holy cow, this girl is barely dressed and I brought the book to church! I'm so not comfortable with this. But if I'm not comfortable having it in church then should I have it in my home??? Almost no one has that kind of a figure, especially at 16. And can't she just put some clothes on already?! Also, I've swam in the ocean many times and my hair never looks like that soaked with salt water, why can't they draw something realistic?  What a STUPID thing to do. Oh yes, let's go poke around the dangerous creature's ship. We won't get caught because we never have before! Ugh, dumb teenagers. Sebastian, you are the lousiest employee ever. If I were King Triton, I'd fire you. YOU'RE JOB IS TO WATCH OUT FOR THE TEENAGER! NOT SIDE WITH HER!!! UGH!! Wait, hold up a second. IN LOVE? You aren't in love. Oh no no no. Love is developed upon a foundation of effort, time, friendship and arguments. No, you are not in love. At this point you are not in lust deep enough to cause any more harm than some crying and a cracked heart. Back out now. You do have a choice in "love". Oh that's great, little one. When you can't get what you want you go make a deal with the devil. That's a great idea because those always turn out wonderful. So you're gonna get screwed by the sea witch and you don't even see it. Not only have you placed yourself and your own life in peril, you are jeopardizing all those around you as well. And, by the way, at 16, it IS NOT your life yet. Not until you've invested as many hours of sweat, blood and tears into your own development as those who truly love you already have. Those lousy friends of yours need to high-tail it out of there and go tell your father, like 15 minutes ago. This is no longer a loyalty issue, this is real-life dangerous. Oh look at that, the guy you were willing to sacrifice everything for is marrying another woman. He's under a spell, I give him that, but you see what you've gotten yourself into now? You are selfish and short-sighted. And so is your dad. To sacrifice himself for you is one thing, but he is placing the whole of the seas on the alter for you. Sorry, but at that point, you just have to live with the consequences of the choices you've made. Oh, okay, your daddy finally got that it's better to let you  have some freedom. Okay, I can live with that. You look beautiful in your wedding dress. But wait, SIXTEEN?!?!?!?!??!

The End.


  1. Hahahaha. This made me laugh really hard. I've always actually wondered - since you don't want barbies to be in your house, I would think Disney princesses would be the same, based on your criteria. It is hard though, if you have grown up with a certain "thing" or "tradition." I think you are catching on though - it is not Disney that was the fun tradition. It was your family spending time together, doing something fun, and having traditions and memories.

  2. More internal dialogue on disney movies!!!

  3. any special request, Temma dear?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think Peter Pan may actually be worse. Kids run away from home, almost get tattoos and the guy they are following drinks rum, smokes cigars, makes children "walk the plank" (drowning them if it were effective), bombs someones hideout and shoots one of his pirates for singing!
