Saturday, October 22, 2011

katie turns five (the party part)

Katherine's b-day is November 8 but in UT I try to celebrate it early (like September if I can swing it) for two reasons 1) we have a small home and trying to fit more than 8 kids in it is crazy, 2) spreads the gift giving out a little more. This year the party landed on today, October 22.

Hahaha. Last night Aaron asked Joel if he was going to have fun at the party. Joel responded, "Yeah. Dake." (As in "Cake".) Hahahaha. 
farm party mud cake = pudding with a gummy worm covered in cookie crumbles
Katherine wanted a farm party (like when she turned 3). I did what I could to talk her out if it over the period of weeks but when I informed her that we don't really know anyone with baby animals right now and her response was, "Then we can have mommy and daddy animals!" I gave in. Farm parties take work because I have to scrounge up animals! So I got a promises of a goat from one friend and bunnies and kittens from another. Great. Okay.

Then yesterday hits. I woke up several times feeling sick and when the morning rolled around, I was still ill. It took half the day for me to vomit up whatever my body thought needed to be expelled and the next half was spent in aches and pains. THANK GOODNESS Aaron was home and willing to help with the kids. I needed to heal. But the only party prep I did was to cut out pig noses. Thankfully, I'd already purchased everything needed and gotten game ideas from my sister and had a rough idea of how things needed to run because I was party-useless on Friday.
place your hands behind your back and try to bite the apple. hahaha

So this Saturday morning rolls around and we get the rest of the stuff set up. The idea is simple: move the kitchen table (actually a patio table that folds - yay!) outside, cover with paper, prep prizes, prep mud desserts, clear off concrete area (I've given up hope it will be clean), prep games, gather animals. Okay, go. My sister-in-law came over just to help and Katherine was all to happy to pitch in.
kiddos ready to catch their coins and get a prize. Or Joel in the background there bypassing the coin catching part.                    

But the morning turned out to be a tad stressful. First off, things were taking a while to get done. THEN my friend who had promised the bunnies and kitties (and her children who my daughter invited) texted to inform me that they are out of town. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!. But I can go get the bunnies at least from their backyard. Okay, fine. Drive up and am met not by two cute bunnies but a huge mastiff. So I call and get my friend's husband, "Um, there is a dog in your backyard." "Do you have a t-bone?" Sorry, I know we haven't interacted much and I realize this is going to leave you with a poor impression of me but I'm low on a sense of humor this morning. "Her name's Harley. You should be fine if she's not growling at you." Get out of car, approach fence, talk to dog, let myself in, barked at by dog, growled at by dog, let myself out. Then I get to explain to Katherine that there will be no bunnies. She's already taken the blows that her three good friends and two cousins won't be coming but now she looks really disappointed. My girl does what she does best and gathers information to come up with solutions. The dog growled because Harley didn't know you? Oh, well, she knows me, "I can go get the bunnies." "Uh, sorry, honey, I'm not sending you into the back yard with the dog."
puddind-up Joel and Snowflake

 But things worked out. Another friend let us borrow their bunny on the spur of the moment (THANK YOU!), the kittens were done without and the goat arrived a little later. People arrived, mud was eaten, prizes were picked, a pig was nosed, apples were bitten (that was entertaining), farm animals were frozen and gifts were unbagged (I think ours were the only wrapped ones in the bunch). I am grateful to all who made my big girl's party special.

"Hmm. What will I find in here?"

When planning a party for a kid it's important to remember that it is their party and really the only thing that matters is if she enjoyed it. Katie thought it was great so I call that a success.

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