Tuesday, October 18, 2011

roasted parsley potatoes

huge bag of said potatoes

In general, I don’t do potatoes. Why? Because I spent the last decade pretty sure they did nothing for you nutritionally and I don’t like peeling them. Now that I know most of the nutrition is in the skin or close to it, I will wash potatoes instead of peeling them. I think I like that even less now that my scrubber I used for that exact purpose died a satisfying death of use. But when a sign up sheet was passed around at church for 50lbs of red potatoes for $15, I thought about it for a few minutes and took it as a challenge.

Got my bag a few weeks ago and have made several servings since then. The first one I tried is a recipe I loooooove to have when I go out to eat or am at a catered dinner, but my previous attempts have been disappointments. Well, I’m pleased to announce that I did it! Roasted Parsley Potatoes! And they are yummy!!! My family may get sick of them before I’m done. The flavor is great, and the middles just kind of pop onto your tongue with this amazingly creamy texture. I love eating them.

just to give you an idea of the size of these suckers
So, you can see what it consists of. A few washed and cut red potatoes from my massive bag. (Sorry, I’m one of those annoying people who don’t measure often.) The pictured ingredients sprinkled and poured over top and tossed in to fully coat. If you want to eat them that night, put tin foil or a cover on so they steam. You can take it off the last 10ish minutes to brown more if you want. Oh, and I don’t know how long I cook them for – just until they are done.

I did try freezing some. I did not personally try them but gave the frozen ones to a friend. She may have just been being nice but she did say they were yummy. After a little research, I baked the to-be-frozen ones with no cover so they did not cook all the way to the center. When she wanted to use them she was instructed to put them in a covered oven dish and bake at 350 until done.

Give it a try.


  1. I actually do something similar to this and had no idea that I was doing some sort of special recipe. lol. I LOVE them! Sometimes I add a little cheese at the end too. We are the same sort of annoying people that don't measure things so when people ask us how we make things we give them a list of ingredients and tell them to season to their liking. lol.

  2. hmmm I never thought of cheese.
