Sunday, October 23, 2011

speading the horror feels good

Last year a friend of ours was in a nursing home/rehab place. One one of our visits there we dropped off a hand-drawn leaf colored in with glued pieces of Fall leaves. Then we noticed her neighbor and I got to thinking. So we dropped one off for her as well. She oohhed and awwwed over it, speaking with a thick German accent that was lovely to listen to. On one of our next visits I peeked into the neighbor's room. She was asleep, but that leaf was hanging on her bulletin board.

This week at Clare's Primary Children's Hospital visit I noticed a little craft set out for kids to do in the waiting room (I HEART Primary Children's for this, and the man who was sanitizing everything in said waiting room). It looked simple and fun enough that I thought we might give it a try here. And I think we might just make a few extra to distribute at the rehab place - when my children aren't walking petri dishes.
Supplies consist of paper plates with the middles cut out so they look kind of like wreaths (because that's the idea). Paper to cut shapes out of and glue.

(Aaron helped me with the bats.)

And I know some of you more particular people can make it look 10 times better. Spread some Halloween Horror! Serving is fun!


  1. Aww! That makes me so sad to think of retirement centers. That really is a great service to teach your kids. (Plus - kids like being paid attention too & hearing stories and older folks like children and sharing stories.)

  2. That is such a cute idea. I just saw this.. I'm slow... and late... It might be cute to do for thanksgiving with feathers and a turkey bottom or a christmas wreath with holly leaves, berries and ornaments... I'll have to get on it. Love it!
