Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Well, it finally happened and of course it was my boy. Joel got stitches. Only three and that's good because I don't care what the doctor tried to lie about, poor boy felt that second one.

All last week I wanted to add "doctor" or "nurse" as a post label since all homemakers inevitable take on such roles. I wouldn't let myself since I had nothing interesting to post. I kept thinking, "Life provides." And it sure did.

We're rushing out the door to take Katie to preschool. She reenters to get a coat (she doesn't need) and smacks my little man in the face with the door. And split goes his lip. It's on the upper right side and looked deeeeeep. This being my first big lip split I call the doctor's office to see if he needs to come in. I should say that I hate doing that because my theory is they will tell you to come in no matter what just to charge the insurance company. But anyhow.... due to his age they want me to come in to make sure it will heal correctly. [big huff] "Fine." We drop off Katie. The bleeding has stopped. We head to the doctor. Diaper bag on one shoulder, Clare in her car seat in one hand and Joel in the other arm. All I could think was, "If anyone needs a close parking spot, it's me."

After speaking with the doc I'm convinced that we did need to come in or his lip would have healed and looked all funky. "But boys like scars, don't they?" "He won't like it." Fine. What does Joel need? Stitches. My poor, brave, tough, scared little man. He tried so hard and did so well but he was so scared. He shook and said, "Done! Done!" Many times. I watched the numbing stuff spill out is cut and finally got to see how docs sew people up. Afterword, Joel picked a puppy out of the "ouch basket" but all I wanted to do was hold him. All he wanted was a sticker on the way out. At least he recovers quickly.

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