Wednesday, October 5, 2011

computer instruction

You may have noticed there are some fabulous educational websites out about these days for younger, older and ooooolder children alike. I say use them! Sure, it would be a poor idea to plop your 3-year-old in front of the computer and check on them after Guiding Light is over, but as a wisely used tool, computers are great. And necessary.

When I was on school we had computer lab once a week and we played some games that reinforced what we'd learned in class. Personally, I didn't find them too challenging but I LOVED the Oregon Trail game that came was a reward option after I'd answered enough questions correctly. I could never tell if an axle would break or we'd run out of food first so I never knew what to buy at the trading post! Not that it mattered, before I could make it to Oregon our computer time would be over and off to the traditional classroom we'd march.

But it isn't like that today, is it? Our children will grow up with computers and will be working on them their whole lives. That is the direction we are headed, it isn't evil, so why not embrace it?

Hey, if can illustrate for my child how the letter "Y" can be used in so many ways, go for it! It helps the glazed look leave her face when we discuss it (again) after she watches their video. I say, more power to 'em and thank you.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE over here! Great site! Very well put together for the kids too!
