Saturday, October 8, 2011

teaching at home with play

Katie's little friend made the kindergarten cut off for this year (actually, allllll of her friends did) but she had to wait until NEXT year although my oldest would  greatly benefit from going to kindergarten this year and is ready for it. Anyhow, just in case we decide to have her skip a grade she is learning at home what her friends are covering in class, and then some. How? You may ask. Well, my friends tell me what their kids are doing and we do that here. Plus the state curriculum is on the web and I follow that. But a lot of the items to be covered my kid already has down pat because she PLAYS. If children don't play you will be shocked at what they will not learn. And if you let them play, you will be pleased to discover what they develop on their own.

As an example, one of the language arts objectives involves presenting information. I sure didn't have to plan a unit on that. Oh no, all I had to do was sit and smile as my 4-year-old prepared a "show" for me to enjoy. She can tell you a story too if you take the time to listen.

But play teaches more important things as well. She learns about interacting with peers (so hopefully she won't be any more socially backwards than her parents are) and taking turns and sharing and when to assert herself and when to go along with the crowd. All these invaluable life lessons that don't come with paper and crayons. Play. It's good stuff.

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