Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Daily Goals

A few months ago I made the goal to accomplish two housekeeping goals each day, every day: dishes and sweep.

I've always had a hate relationship with dishes and for the first few years of marriage I did them maybe twice a week since they really didn't need to be done more than that. I even coaxed my husband into a deal where he did dishes while he was not in school. But life changes. Three children and nine times the dishes (how does that happen?) came along. I fought with it. Heck, in the spirit of self-disclosure I'll share that I even put dirty dishes on my floor at times since I'd run out of counter space. But last year I surrendered: we are large enough now that they must be done daily, my husband is completely swamped so the task will fall to me. So I've made progress. Promise. I don't hate them anymore, I just have to find the time to do them....

The floor just gets out of control if it doesn't get done. I might skip a night thinking it's not so bad and by 10am the next day I'm stepping on crumbs everywhere.

I shared these goals with a friend. Her response, "Do you know who much of a difference that would make in my house?!" And I'm like, "EXACTLY!" Those two things really do. So tonight I forced myself and the sweeping is complete. In fact, I am admiring the floors as I type. The dishes? Well, the stack isn't that big, maybe they can wait until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. I know that my day goes better if i start it with a clean kitchen. I KNOW it in my head, but sometimes by the end of the day my body just doesn't care. I have a hate relationship with dishes too. And laundry. And bathrooms. Sigh...
