Thursday, October 27, 2011

loathing proactively

Loathing, not as in the song from Wicked but as in the days following June 21st, when the day light gets smaller and smaller and smaller until BAM! It looks like midnight at 5:30pm! I'm from FL and perhaps this is just a things-are-better-in-memory symptom but I do NOT recall growing up being bored out of my mind at 5:30 because it is dark and you're stuck inside. But now I live in UT and adjustments must be made.

Yesterday was one of those loathed winter days. It was overcast, we were (are) all sick and the kids were just getting to each other and me. So I decided to be proactive. We melted some chocolate, dipped in pretzel rods and then rolled the rods in mini reeses pieces. Not as visually spectacular as I'd envisioned but they still tasted good. After the chocolate hardened a tiny bit we loaded in the van and headed out to "ghost" two of our neighbors. [Ghosting is a "thing" where you anonymously drop off a treat at two homes. Attached to the treat is a paper explaining that they have been "ghosted" and now they are to make two copies, tape the paper in their window or door - so as to not be re-ghosted - and ghost two other homes. It's fun. We got caught both times so obviously our ninja skills are lacking.]

Then it was done. [Twiddle thumbs...] "Hey! You guys want to take the car to get a bath?" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" So we drove through the car wash. The last time we did this, Joel found it terrifying. This time, he found it fascinating. Drive-thru van washes may become a weekly event here!

reading "boos cues" as Joel calls it :-) Well, Clare might be trying to eat it.

Then it was done and we came back home and we were in the exact same situation we were prior to the chocolate mess on my counter. How did that not suck up more time? [Twiddle thumbs... nothin.] [Check clock... 1.5hrs to go. Holy crap.] As it turns out, at some point before bed all three kids ended up on my lap (a feat made possible by illness and a recliner) and I spent 30 minutes singing songs I could remember from my childhood. I don't know, I think the last time Joel sat still for 30 minutes was when Br. Marvin allowed Joel to sit on his lap during Sacrament meeting. It ended up being real nice. Too bad I can't sing for 30 minutes every day.

I have a new plan of action. Starting tomorrow, the television is not allowed on until AFTER Joel gets up from his nap. The kids seem to have an easier time entertaining themselves without fighting in the morning, so why waste tv time during this golden hour? We'll see how it goes.

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