Thursday, October 13, 2011

don't be sick!

We have a busy day planned tomorrow. To top it off, Katherine might finally get to have the sleepover with her cousin she's been coveting since who knows when. And what does she do today? Go and get sick!!! UGH!

So in my true-to-my-nature way, I try to deny it. But her temp of 100.6 doesn't lie. Nor do the facts that she a) took a nap, b) cried when her brother hit her instead of yelling at him first, c) complained of a headache, d) told me she wanted to eat but was not hungry and e) spent the entire evening lying down. Boo.

I monitored the sickling for a while and she didn't get worse. Finally I gave her some medicine to help with the tempature. Based on my limited experience of Katherine being sick, this kind of owie burns up fast and she acts pretty normal when the temp is down. My hope was she'd eat if she felt better. Sure enough, that is basically what happened. Hopefully she'll be recovered in the morning. But even it takes longer I'll be grateful, so long as she does get better.

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