Tuesday, November 15, 2011

freezer cooking day 1

Welcome to my first post under "economist". I've known since before the birth of this blog that the job title of economist would be a must for any homemaker, but I didn't know quite yet what to write. And then, as it always does, life presented me with an opportunity AND a friend with a suggestion.

So, somehow I managed to burn through our entire month's grocery budget in half the month. "How?" asked a husband. "Uh, I don't know," replied the wife. I should probably go check my account (I write down EVERYTHING we spend) and track this problem down. But, back to being on track...

I had the chance to talk to my wonderful friend today (::wink:: @ Temma) while I lamented cooking meals to only share with my children since the hubby is gone most evenings out of the week. We yacked about a few ideas and tossed some things around. She asked if I cook extra and then freeze? Well, I do, but... Hmmm, I thought, the freezer is getting kind of full. Then, around 4 (my what-to-make-tonight hour of the day) I examined my pantry and decided I wanted to make Spanish rice. GREAT! But I wanted to add meat to make it more substantial for the kids and my nursing self. And then, DING DING DING, I remembered the 1/2# ground turkey I cooked and froze. Perfect!

Spanish rice (yummy, btw) with spinach (more for color than nutrition really), steamed broccoli (also from the freezer) and olives. It was yummy. Successful dinner + full freezer + no money = my attempt to cook each meal the rest of this month using things from our freezer(s).

Oh, no worries, I fully expect to fail. I mean, how much does a freezer or two really hold when you use it as your go-to every night (well, you know, when you cook anyway) and purposely don't replenish your stock? Can you even make appealing meals using freezer items? Can you make the nutritious and balanced? How long would your freezer food storage last... really?

The answers to these riveting questions and more, when we return!


  1. Good luck! I can't wait to see what you make :)

  2. YOU! Blow through a budget in 1/2 the month. NO!! Can't be! I must admit that I blew through Dan's first pay check of the month way to early and we did eat some canned food that was expired...by no more than a year... ;-)

  3. In my pathetic attempt at a defense, I only blew through the entire grocery budget. The rest is still intact... which means we're behind, but not as much as the grocery category. :-)
