Thursday, November 17, 2011

day 3... i didn't want to do it

Day 3 has rolled around. In preparation I dug through our large freezer downstairs and found some ground beef (thought that was all gone) and stew meat and thawed them in the fridge over night. These bundles of protein were generously donated by my husband's aunt and dead cow who had too much of the dead cow. :-) We sure have appreciated them.

All afternoon I kept wondering what to make. And the only thing that kept coming to me was Robyn's Stroganoff. Except, that's what Robyn made on Sunday and even though it is a meal I enjoy, I just wasn't in the mood today. But when 4 rolled around (oh that hour!) and Katie was hungry and I realized I'd forgotten about lunch again (for me, the kids got fed); stroganoff it was. Normally, our meals are dictated by what I'm in the mood for but since I felt the pinch and the meat was there, I went for it. An experiment within an experiment: will Rebecca eat what she cooked when she didn't want to cook it? Results? Oh, I ate it, but I didn't love it. Am I the only (non pregnant) one whose whimsical food moods have such control over what is consumed??? I swear it's only gotten worse with age. Hmm, I say that about a lot of things. :-)

Anyhow, Robyn's Stroganoff served over whole wheat pasta and steamed carrots this evening. The beef was the only freezer ingredient. Man, only day 3 and I'm already losing some pizazz. :-)

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