Monday, November 21, 2011

days 5, 6, 7 and 8/9

Day 5 - left overs. We love left overs at our house.

Day 6 - dinner with family.

Day 7.
I thawed out some chunks of dead cow and marinated them in teriyaki sauce (love me some teriyaki). Made some roasted potatoes, left over cauliflower and peas from yesterday and grapes.

Of course the kids wouldn't eat pieces of steak even if it is tenderized from 36 hours of marinading... so they got cheese quesadillas. Works for me.

Days 8/9
Tonight I have prepared for you a white chicken chili. My first time concocting such a culinary treat that includes chicken and peppers from the freezer. For future reference, you can't  begin a crock pot meal in the later afternoon and expect it to be satisfactory by dinner. Therefore, we had pot stickers (from the freezer), green beans, pears and grapes tonight. Tomorrow (day 9) we shall dine on the chicken chili for lunch. AND since I prepared more chicken than I needed, chicken pot pie or chicken enchiladas might make an appearance tomorrow! I know, I'm so excited I almost peed my pants too!

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