Wednesday, November 16, 2011

day 2

Freezer items:
prepared chicken/cheese/broccoli thing
2 prepared salmon/crab thing

Pantry items:
instant rice
canned mushrooms

Fridge items:
parm cheese

Tonight I baked the pre-made things I purchased who knows when, but on sale. Then I threw together an attempt at risotto that I'm sure pales in comparison to the real stuff, but tasted GREAT anyway (I mean, what wouldn't with that much butter and cheese????). And then people started needing me so carrots for veggies!

I always buy these fun things when they are a great deal and tuck them away in the freezer for "just in case" days. But then I never feel like the day justifies a "just in case". So that is something this month is about. I'm using up all these fun things like salmon crab thingys. :-)

Aaron stole the camera today or I'd have a picture up for you. I know, I can hear the cries from here.

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