Tuesday, January 10, 2012

a month in review

A few days over due but you will forgive me I am sure. I have been a little busy.

Last month I committed to shopping for groceries with cash. I determined to curb my tendency to buy many of an item when it is on sale if it means going over budget. I made a plan that consisted of creating a menu based on sale items, and filling in those gaps with items purchased at great deals and stored in my pantry.

Well, the cash part did not work out so hotly. I am sure much of this has to do with the fact that I nearly never have cash on me and I am pretty sure I have long forgotten my ATM pin. So, instead I had to exercise more discipline with the credit card after the first time -that trip involved cash.

I did follow my shopping list plan. It was interesting. For instance, some weeks the stores seemed to offer an abundance of good deals and during those times of plenty, my cart was full. Then there was a week where it seemed that nothing I needed was available for a great price. Ugh!! At that time I had to plan more carefully, not buy as much and utilize the basement store. Gotta love the basement store.

Planning a menu based on the current available deals worked fabulously. My mom taught me that trick and it sure paid off.

Hmmm, I guess that will be all for now.

Still, I DID IT! We even had some surplus this month. A-MA-ZING. So there you go.

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