Sunday, November 1, 2020

Poem Night Before Halloween

 Twas the night before Halloween when all through my halls the children were bouncing off of the walls. 

The costumes were tossed on the floor with no care in faith they could find them tomorrow to wear. 

Dinner in the oven, husband in a nap, I’d just settled down to take a breather when SPLAT!

I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter saw pumpkin guts spread through the house with a splatter.

The children were huddled with fear and in shock. Who could have known bowling with pumpkins would be bring such poor luck?

Soap, water, bubbles. Cloths and team huddles. soon restored peace and we gathered to cuddle.

Away to their beds the children were led while visions of candy danced in their heads. 

I snuggled down in, reviewed all the facts, and smiled as I thought of the extra parent tax.

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